
Kirk Session

The Church of Scotland's governing system is Presbyterian, which means that no one person or group within the Church has more influence or say than any other. The Church does not have one person who acts as the head of faith, as that role is the Lord God's. Its supreme rule of faith and life is through the teachings of the Bible.

At a local level – the parish – the court is a kirk session. Kirk sessions oversee the local congregation and its parish and consist of elders presided over by a minister. Elders have a key leadership role in the life of Church of Scotland congregations.

In Stepps Parish Church our Kirk session consists of 12 active Elders and 2 non-active Elders.

Our Moderator is Deacon Claire Herbert (Interim Moderator)

Our Session Clerk is Mrs Lorraine Robertson

Our Kirk Session usually meets every 6-8 weeks with a short summer recess.

We are represented at Glasgow Presbytery by Mr. Jim Hope

Liaison Elders

Boys Brigade: Mrs Ailsa Macdonald

Sunday Club / Bible Class: Mr Scott Baker

Our Session Clerk

Lorraine and her family first moved to Stepps in 2003 and she soon became acquainted with many of her Church family through the friendships formed in the Humpty Dumpty Mother and Toddler Club. She formally joined the Church in Stepps in 2009 after her Baptism aged 40, something that has always meant a lot to her after worshipping with her Church for 6 years. She was later ordained as an Elder in 2015 and was formally appointed as Session Clerk in Jan 2020. During the day Lorraine works as a community Advanced Nurse Practitioner in General practice.

She is a married to Graeme, and they have 2 grown up children Erin and Kyle. When she isn’t running around frantic doing session business, she loves nothing more than relaxing with family and friends. Music has always been her passion and loves nothing better than singing her heart out to her favourite artists and still hopes one day to make it to Glastonbury.

Lorraine can be contacted on her email sessionclerkspc2020@gmail.com.
